Waiting. Is. So. Hard.
I am realizing that sometimes there is much good in what is hard. Right now, I am working so hard, yet I find myself waiting. I wait on paperwork, fingerprints, and others’ decisions. I wait to hear from or about the girls. I wait to see how God will bring the money in. Sometimes, I wrestle while I wait. Oh, not a physical wrestling, but a mental wrestling match- usually on my knees. One match in particular, I kept telling God, “I don’t understand, and I have nothing else to say.” Over and over for four hours this was my mindset.
But, guess what? I have been humbled to realize that often when I am waiting, the answer is on the way or already done. I wake in the morning to find my prayer is answered in the middle of the night! I think of the phrase, “back to His dear loving arms would I flee when I remember that Jesus loves me!” I wrestle, but my Saviour has it all in control, and I am right where he wants me- in His arms.
My arms prepare for the silent auction and dinner on November 18! I hope and pray for a good turnout. My hands busy themselves with fingerprints and final submission to the adoption agency. My ears hear news from Nina and Katya! Nina was hospitalized with an infection, but we have been told not to worry. It is not easy to hear. Nina has been allowed to go back to the orphanage on weekends, and this is a blessing.
So I come full circle- wrestling and then blessing. How about you? What is your wrestling that results in blessing? Thank you for your continued prayers for “my girls” - all three of them.
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