How can a journey be both glorious and challenging in only three-and-a-half weeks? My heart has been overwhelmed, my brain has been blown away, and at times I have been a basket case of nerves. All of it from the peaks and valleys of this incredible journey to bring our girls home! 

 The valleys:  the home study fee would be larger, the sheer amount of money that we are trying to raise, and realizing that Nina is unhappy being away from her sister at "college."  Questions flood me daily:  can I sponsor for Christmas?  How will we make it through a seven hour home study? Do people judge me? 
 These valley times have a golden thread though!  Sometimes, I find myself on my knees - a good place and position to be in. "God, I got nothing more to say than what I have already said so I will just keep repeating myself."  He hears. He loves. He comforts. I rest. 

 The peaks: here is where I feel that I coast downhill, like a child riding a bicycle for fun! "Peak" days are full of adrenaline, happy tears, and joy.  I am blown away by the efforts of everyone to raise money  - even children!  Kara is eight.  She overheard her mom talking to me on the phone. She was so taken by the story of the girls that she made homemade posters, joined with her neighborhood friend, and then proceeded to nag her mom to take them door-to-door. In one hour those girls raised $101.  This is the faith of a child.  But not just children are giving.
 The donors have been teens, marathon runners, teachers, families, couples, people living out their own hurricane tragedies, and people who are giving money when they have their own desperate financial situations.  I am humbled, and I stand in awe. Truly these folks are living out the Bible verse Galatians 6:2, "Bear ye on another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." 

 The peaks are not all about money, though.  I talked with Katya through Facebook video. I cannot articulate her excitement and her pleasure at being adopted and "coming home."  She is sad for Nina, and I did not get to talk to her, myself. 
 My journey continues - our journey continues. Today may be a peak or valley - I know not. But one thing I do know:  I am surrounded by my God who never fails, and He is surrounding me with an army of helpers.  We pedal our Ukrainian bicycle forward for the next adventure.

Love to all,


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